Manuel Montenegro

These photos capture the reaction of a group of untouched Amazon tribespeople seeing an airplane for the first time in their lives. See it here on kami!

This video capturing the highlights of an incredible dancer by the stage name of Elena on a twerking contest is taking the internet by storm! Watch on kami!

When the killer clown craze spread from the US to the UK a local costume company sent out Batman to combat the fiends. Read the amazing story on kami.com.ph!

A woman came to another person's house in search of a fight but the only thing she got was a baseball bat to the face and got bitten by a dog! Watch on kami!

A group of aboriginal bush mechanics fix a totally destroyed rusting car by using pieces of garbage and mismatched car parts. Watch the incredible video on kami

A Chinese fortune teller is claiming that he can tell a womans future if he touches her breasts Watch how the master of fortune telling is at work here

Tyler Kelly left school as a boy however September he came back as Kairah Kelly a transgender girl that bares a striking resemblane to Kim Kardashian

A group of crazy engineers managed to modify their car to transform into a real life Transformer Watch how this BMW turns into a Transformer on kamicomph

After two thieves were caught in this South African vilage the locals decided not to wait for the police but to take matters into their own hands
Manuel Montenegro
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