Guy Dressed As Batman Is Protecting People From Creepy Clowns

Guy Dressed As Batman Is Protecting People From Creepy Clowns

Guy Dressed As Batman Is Protecting People From Creepy Clowns

- The killer clown wave that has taken America by storm has infected the UK

- To combat the clowns and protect children a local costume company has sent out Batman to patrol the streets of Whitehaven

- There have been over 59 clown related incidents in the last 3 days and at least 3 of these cases are criminal offences

The killer crown wave seems to have infected the UK scaring children all across the country.

A costume company ‘Cumbria Suerheroes’ decided to take matters into their own hands. The local costumer company sent out a fully equipped Batman to chase away the killer clowns off the streets of Whitehaven!

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Guy Dressed As Batman Is Protecting People From Creepy Clowns

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“Batman is patrolling the streets so that kids (and adults?) can feel at ease," wrote BBC Cumbria on their Facebook page.

It seems that hooligans from the UK picked up the idea of terrorizing locals by dressing up as clowns and scaring them and threatening them. Children are most vulnerable to such attacks and clowns seem to target them the most.

Police reports indicate that there have already been 59 incidents in the last three days, 3 of which are definitely considered criminal offences.

The fact that Halloween is so close makes the job even harder for the police. Police have asked local costume shops to not sell clown costumes.

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Manuel Montenegro
