What is an annotation? How to write it? Examples
Try to choose a book, view a scientific article, evaluate a thesis? An abstract will help you make a first impression on an artistic or scientific text. Learn how to write it yourself, what rules to follow, and where an annotation may be needed.

Source: UGC
Annotation: what is it, types
It was announced, that an abstract is needed for the dissertation or article, and what is it that you don't know? No trouble. We suggest understanding in detail what an annotation is, what kinds of genre exist and how to write it.
People find it difficult in the current array of publications to decide what to read, what kind of work is important for professional development or self-education.
To form an opinion about a book or a scientific work, it is enough to study its brief description. It is placed on the cover or on the front page of a print publication. It sets out the main points the author made, the approaches and techniques he used to reveal the topic. Annotations for works of art or films provide the most interesting plot moves or model figures.

Source: UGC
Thus, an annotation is a summary of any text or entertainment item (computer game, film, theatre, etc.). This is an announcement, which briefly describes the subject matter, distinctive features and value aspects of the proposed product.
This brief description is of interest to the potential reader or viewer, motivates them to familiarize themselves, guides them in the main achievements or discoveries that the author has made, and helps to keep track of the course of his thoughts and arguments.
Annotations differ in structure and content. This depends on the type and purpose of the product described. Types of description are distinguished by such traits: In terms of their content and purposes, annotations are:
- Informational (referential) descriptions give a general idea of the subject matter of the work, its genre, features of narratives, and the author. They do not assess or criticize the content of the announced text.
- Recommendations point out the details that are interesting and understandable to a particular target audience. They are created as artworks (for example, the book is intended for preschool children) and for educational and scientific literature (textbooks, textbooks, books, monographs).
These types of annotations are general (created for a wide audience) and specialized (targeted at a certain range of readers, they are analytical, they are written according to certain chapters, paragraphs or topics).
- The annotations according to the volume are:
- Brief (the essence of the work and the depth of the problem work are presented).
- Deployed. They accompany monographs, textbooks, and scientific papers and run to 2-3 pages. Such annotations include a list of parts (chapters) of the study, with a focus on achievements and discoveries, novelty and relevance of the described material.
- Overview. These annotations are formed for the groups of texts that are united by a common theme or a common approach to the topic. They are usually written for collections of writers who have touched upon a certain problem or implemented the aesthetics of a particular artistic direction. Also, such abstracts are provided with collections, which contain scientific articles, which are united by a common research problem.

Source: UGC
Annotations are encountered daily both in the domestic and professional sphere. However, few are focused on the peculiarities of the construction of such texts, their content, and the peculiarities of the selection of information. These questions arise when you have to write your résumé for a scientific (thesis) work, article, or book. How to write an abstract, read below.
Annotation: how to write, an example
You need an annotation, but you don't know how to write? Consider the most common options when such a brief description might be needed, together with the guidance for its creation. Using the schemes you have suggested, you can do the job easily.

Source: UGC
The example with which each manual is illustrated will help to get a general idea of what an annotation:
Annotation to the book: a schema and example
This information is usually issued as a reference, indicating the following:
- bibliographic data;
- author's information;
- genre or form of the work;
- description of the theme and summary content;
- reasons for publication or reissue;
- target audience.
If it is a monograph or a textbook, then the description should emphasize the peculiarities of the content and practical meaning of the information provided in the work.
Example 1. Simon Lvovich the Nightingale. Education for All. M., 2000. - 300p.
Genre: Science. Series: Life / Parents.
Everyone wants to raise their child with love, to give him the best. But what does it mean to love a child? What would be the best for him? Many parents believe that what is best for their child is what is best for themselves. And love is manifested in constant instructions on how to behave, and in prohibitions on doing anything. How much love does it really have? The book, "Education for All," will make you think about it. Its author is a teacher, psychologist, and journalist, Simon Lvovich Soloveychik.
In the book, the author conveys the idea of how important it is to really love and accept a child. It teaches parents to see in their child a different person, an amazing personality, special features. He explains why it is important to consider the needs of the child and respect them. The book makes you think about how real love manifests itself, which develops a child better than punishments and prohibitions. The book will help to answer the most difficult questions about love, justice, morality, and acceptance.

Source: UGC
The description of the fiction suggests intrigue since the main task of the annotation is to intrigue the reader. Professionals recommend to describe the book as follows:
- Describe the place and time when events occur.
- Tell who the hero is and why the reader should be interested in him.
- What challenge the character faces, how unusual it is, and whether he or she has a chance of solving it.
Example 2. Grimm Jacob and Wilhelm. True Grimm Brothers Tales. Full version. M: Algorithm, 2017. - 912 p.
Russia's first: a complete collection of fairy tales, collected by the Grimm brothers in an unadapted version for adults!
The book will upend the notion of the kind and instructive tales of famous German writers. In the original, they didn't all end happily. The unadapted versions of Cinderella, Snow White, and many other good children's tales in the book could be used to script a modern horror film. The Cinderella sisters prune a part of their foot to fit into a crystal slipper, the prince in Rapunzel's fairy tale pokes out his eyes with twigs, and the kind parents of Hansel and Gretel chop off their children's hands and feet. You have never read a fairy tale like this before. This publication is the first to publish everything, including the darkest and most chilling stories from the original collection of the Brothers Grimm.
Annotation to the article: requirements and example
The annotation to the scientific article is strictly regulated. Its volume is usually limited to 500 printed characters and contains a description of the topic, relevance and novelty of the problem, the characteristics of the object and purpose of the research, and brief information about the author's results (achievements).
Example: Nosachev N. G. Esoterics: the main points of the history of the term. - PSTSU bulletin: Theology. Philosophy. 2011. - No 11. - P. 49-60.
The article offers an analysis of the genesis and functioning of the term "esoteric" from antiquity through the Middle Ages, the New Time to the present. Various options and substitutes are considered: "occult" and "esoteric." The main modern academic concepts and perspectives of his research as a phenomenon in the framework of religious studies are described.

Source: UGC
Diploma Abstract: Structure and example
A brief description of the thesis is descriptive in nature. His job is to provide a reference for the work submitted. This explains the rigid structure of the annotation. Mention the information in this order:
Author Information.
General data of the work: topic, its relevance, subject and object of research.
Description of the objectives, methodology and practical significance of the work.
Work volume (number of pages of the main text, annexes, a list of references).
Chapter summaries.
Diploma Abstract
by a graduate student, Krushelnikov D.C., on the topic "Interaction of PR Services with Electronic Mass Media in the Conduct of Mass PR Events."
The paper shows the results of the research conducted on contemporary problems that arise in the work of PR-specialists of the regional higher educational institution with journalists working on television or radio. The work examined the main difficulties of cooperation of PR-specialists with the media.
The thesis project explores the evolution of communication models of a variety of scientists and schools, highlights the trend in their development, and develops a communication model that is adapted to the modern conditions of interaction between university PR-specialists and workers in the field of journalism.
The author has developed recommendations to PR specialists on how to manage communication activities in conditions of high competition in the service market, while creating programs for the development of external communications with journalists and applicants, establishing successful cooperation with the electronic media, holding mass events for applicants, and influencing the target audience.
The thesis includes 7 annexes with 46 pages, 6 tables, 3 diagrams, 48 literary sources.
Learn what is an annotation, how to write it, examples for books, articles, and thesis projects. Consider the nature of their structure, which is determined by the purpose. Follow the instructions and quickly master the art of annotating printed and non-printed products.
Source: KAMI.com.gh