Food rich in carbohydrates: a comprehensive list
"Carbohydrates" is a scary word for anyone who has ever tried a diet. The vast majority of the humanity thinks these compounds are very harmful, and try to avoid them. In fact, however, everyone needs these nutrients. What are their benefits and what foods containing carbohydrates should be included in the diet? Learn from the article about the food rich in carbohydrates.

Source: UGC
Foods with high carbohydrate content: where to find them?
Interested in carbohydrates? The authoritative portal WebMD reports that the name hides special compounds that include water and carbon. Some carbohydrates are called sugars.
Organic substances complement the composition of all cells and are absolutely necessary for the body to function normally. If you don't have enough carbs, you'll immediately feel it. Sleepiness, fatigue, lack of energy and drowsiness are clear signs that you are malnourished.
What foods contain carbohydrates? This is of interest to anyone who is trying to keep a diet in check. The first thing that comes to mind is sugar and baked goods. Indeed, these foods are rich in sugars. But here's something to surprise you: carbohydrates are found to a greater or lesser degree in almost all foods. Meat and fish have little or no such nutrients.
Normally, nutritionists have to patiently explain to almost every patient that there is no need to be afraid of carbohydrates. These substances are the foundation for the body's energy production. So if you are obsessed with carbohydrate-free food, you may one day not get out of bed because of lack of strength.
Where to find carbohydrates in food? They are included in any food that contains sugar. It's not just cakes, biscuits and other sweets. Sugar is found in ketchup, mayonnaise, chips, sweet drinks, fruit yogurt and other unhealthy foods. Products that contain white wheat flour are also carbohydrate-rich.
It is no secret that all the compounds that supply energy are divided into two groups:
- Simple: they are almost immediately absorbed by the body and increase blood sugar. Because of this, simple substances are also called fast.
- Complex (mainly starch and fiber): they are digested more slowly, so that energy arrives gradually after saturation. For this reason, nutritionists around the world are encouraging people to forgo simple carbohydrates and lean on complex ones.

Source: UGC
Food rich in carbohydrates: simple carbs
It should be said that fast carbohydrates are also found in healthy foods. These are various sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, cherries), some vegetables (maize, beets, potatoes). Eating these carbohydrate-rich foods is necessary.
High levels of fast energy are found in (g per 100 g of product):
- sugar: 99
- jams: 88
- cookies: 67
- beer: 66
- bakery products: 55
- chocolates: 54
- white bread: 48
- alcoholic beverages (champagne, wine): 35.
Food rich in carbohydrates: complex carbs
You can find complex carbohydrates in products made from solid varieties of wheat or that include wholegrain flour, as well as legumes, green vegetables, mushrooms, and black chocolate.
The highest number of complex carbohydrates are found in (g per 100 g of product):
- buckwheat cereal: 64
- oatmeal: 50
- legumes: 54
- chicken egg: 40
- black bitter chocolate: 48
- pasta: 23
- nuts: 16
- oranges: 8
- vegetables (cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes): 3 to 5
- milk: 2.5
- curd (depending on the fat content): 2 to 3.
Eating carbohydrates recklessly, assuming that they will make you an energizer, is not worth doing. Excess nutrients can indeed lead to weight gain. So you have to understand what you're eating.

Source: UGC
Nutritionalists are often asked what foods to eat. The professionals recommend that all of their patients adhere to the correct diet. Choose wholegrain bread, brown rice, and hard wheat paste. Enrich your diet with oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, eat beans, peas, and any vegetables regularly. Don't be afraid of potatoes, sweet fruit, honey, and that kind of meal will help maintain a carbohydrate balance.
Carbohydrate rich foods: why humans need them?
If you think carbohydrates contribute only to energy production, you are wrong. These substances, along with proteins and fats, are involved in all of the body's processes. Therefore, if a compound falls out of the chain, the metabolism is disrupted. This has been explained in more detail by Candidate of Medical Sciences Y. A. Lysikov.
Carbohydrates, the importance of which cannot be overestimated, are essential for the full functioning of the individual. The body, and especially the brain, needs a regular supply of glucose. This is why, in moments of mental strain, it is tempting to eat something sweet.
If the carbohydrate does not arrive, the body gets it from its own reserves. This reduces work capacity and overall quality of life. Moreover, people need sugars, fiber, and starch.

Source: UGC
How else do carbs help? According to WebMD, they perform in a number of important functions:
- strengthen immunity,
- regulate the work of the endocrine system, as they are included in hormones,
- are involved in contraction of the heart muscle,
- help establish the functioning of gastrointestinal tract,
- participate in glycogen synthesis,
- detoxify the body,
- contribute to the development of immunity,
- participate in building DNA,
- prevent blood clots.
Thanks to nutritionists, patients are also learning about the unexpected functions of carbohydrates. For example, they determine blood group, are part of antibodies that perform protective functions, and synthesize dietary fibres.
So, carbohydrates in a person's diet should be mandatory. Lack of such nutrients will lead to debilitating health problems. Excess exposure to obesity, tooth decay, diabetes mellitus, food allergies, atherosclerosis and other problems. This is reported in Carbohydrates: New Perspectives on their Physiological Functions and Role in Nutrition.
Some ask whether carbohydrates can be used to lose weight. You can and you must! Reduce energy levels a little and focus on complex compounds.

Source: UGC
The conclusion is simple: to keep fit and still keep your spirits up, fortify your meal with complex carbohydrates. Don't give up simple carbohydrates altogether, either. It's enough to rule out unhealthy foods. In practice, there have been several occasions when such a diet helped to get rid not only of excess weight, but also of some diseases.
Nutritionists recommend not exceeding the carbohydrate limit. It needs to be calculated individually. On average, people should consume no more than 60% of their daily intake of carbohydrates.
You have learned what food is rich with carbohydrates. Considering that the choice is very diverse, you can find your own way to enrich the organism with carbs. The important aspect is to keep in mind the good and bad consequences of eating carbohydrates.
Attention! The material is only informational. The treatments described should not be resorted to without prior consultation with a doctor.
- What are carbohydrates (carbs)? //
- Lysikov Y.A. Carbohydrates in Clinical Nutrition // Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2013. No 2. P. 89-110.
- Good Carbs, Bad Carbs: Why Carbohydrates Matter to You //
- Horse I.Y. Carbohydrates: New Perspectives on their Physiological Functions and Role in Nutrition // Problems in Nutrition. 2007. No 2. P. 89-110.
Author: Anna Ivanovna Tikhomirova, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Reviewer: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Ivan Georgievich Maksakov