Mark Angelo Roma

Kami learned about a video of a saleslady belting the hit song "Secret Love Song" in what appears to be an appliance store which has gone viral on social media.

Kami spotted an old Pinoy netizen was spotted doing random hilarious coin tricks in a viral video which was shared on various social media platforms recently.

Kokoi Baldo was spotted singing a live cover version of hit song "Rude".

A video of a hilarious Pinoy game has gone viral on social media recently .

A throwback video of Charice Pempengco singing in a mall has gone viral on social media.

A Pinoy duo was spotted pulling off a hilarious prank .

A video of two Pinay students doing a cover of an international hit has gone viral on social media recently.

A video of what appears to be an image of Jesus Christ appearing in the sky in broad day light has gone viral on social media.

A clown went viral after his magic tricks were captured in a video.
Mark Angelo Roma
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