Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017

- With less than 2 weeks before the year ends, we all have something to leave behind in 2017

- Some leaves the heartbreaks or the bad decisions they've made

- These are the funny version of what Filipinos want to leave in the outgoing year

KAMI saw this from Buzzfeed. They listed 17 witty things that you'll wish to leave behind. Some of it are the words that are already annoying to hear, the constant breakage of the trains, songs that were heard more than a hundred times per day, and many more.

Every Filipino would relate as they read this. This are the common things that we hopes to just stay in 2017. Here are the things you would want to leave behind:

1. MRT breakdowns

- Who would want to still experience or see this in 2018? No one! We wish that our trains would be safer next year. Please!

2. "Petmalu"

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017
Image from DC Comics/Buzzfeed

- Who starts this word? To the ringleader of this, please don't invade 2018!

3. "Lodi"

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017

- Just please stop this kind of words. Please?

4. Jollibee strawberry fries

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017
Jollibee / Twitter: @baldozeer / Via Twitter: @baldozeeer

- I just don't imagine eating this ever again.

5. Baby Shark song and dance

- It's a nice song for kids but you don't have to play it a hundred times everyday!

6. Ryan Bang's Sanggol Shark cover

- Who asked for this?

7. Nesfruta Buko

- Why not? coconut!

8. "Ang Probinsyano"

- It's a good TV series, but.. ugh.

9. EDSA carmageddon

- Please, no more traffic!

10. "Ika-6 na Utos"

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017
Image grabbed from Google

- Too much slapping and tweaking hairs. Please end already!

11. Philipine News Agency booboos

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017
Twitter: @ABSCBNNews / Via Twitter: @ABSCBNNews

- Lei, reangle this. Don't waste our taxes!

12. Text scams

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017
Mark Angelo Ching

- Do you think I will fall for that?

13. Xander Ford's singing

- Oh yes. Please. Not again in 2018!

14. Uber and Grab ban

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017
Image grabbed from Google

- Never again, LTFRB. We need these transport services to survive.

15. Ticket scalpers for concerts in MoA Arena

- Where can you buy a thick face?

16. Senate investigations

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017
Image grabbed from Google

- Are you still working to think for a better law?

17. And lastly, we hope paid internet trolls stops before January 1, 2018.

- Please Lord, thank you!

Ilang araw nalang, 2018 na! 17 things Filipinos wish they could leave behind in 2017
Image grabbed from Google

KAMI believes that all of this made a huge change in our daily life!


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Michelle Ortiguero