Hindi kayang maki-simpatya! A guy's understanding of life has changed after he cried for the first time with his grieving girlfriend

Hindi kayang maki-simpatya! A guy's understanding of life has changed after he cried for the first time with his grieving girlfriend

- Empathizing with someone is a big help especially if they lost someone

- Going in a relationship, you should always be there for your partner

- A guy cried for the first time as he cannot empathize with his grieving girlfriend

KAMI learned about this inspiring story of a guy with a username iCantEmphatize on Reddit. He shared on Reddit.com how his understanding of life has changed since the day he cried for the first time.

His girlfriend for a year is going through the loss of her brother but he have a hard time empathizing with people. He can't give her the emotional support that she needs and he feels like he's worthless.

As he narrates the story, he and his girlfriend were sitting on the couch together. Her girlfriend said “I love you” randomly, and explained how grateful she was to be with him. She told him that he was making it a lot easier to grieve her brother’s death, and she wouldn’t know what to do without him. She said that he was the best boyfriend she could ever wish for and his company alone was helping her tremendously.

This triggered him. He couldn't believe his girlfriend. She'd witnessed her brother die, was still grieving his death and yet could still find the strength in herself to make his day a little better. This made him feel soft. His eyes started to water and he can't believe that he was going to cry.

His girlfriend couldn't believe it either and that pulled his trigger. He began to bawl like a child, for the first time in his life, he cried.

"She started crying too, we embraced each other. I cried with her until my tears ran dry. I told her how much I missed my brother. I told my girlfriend how afraid I was of losing her because of my lack of empathy. I told her how unfair it was for me to put my emotional distress on her." he stated.

"My understanding of life has changed for the better ever since that day. I feel like a real human being. I’m able to understand what my girlfriend is going through. It took me 8 months, but I’ve finally started mourning the death of my brother."

His girlfriend has been a lot happier for the past few days. She says it’s a direct result of him finding his emotions. He said that he is so grateful to have her be a part of his life. And that his love and undying gratitude for her can't be translated into words. She's the only woman that gave him a chance after hearing about his “condition”, and the only one to help him with it.

Here are some comments from readers of the thread:

Hindi kayang maki-simpatya! A guy's understanding of life has changed after he cried for the first time with his grieving girlfriend

Hindi kayang maki-simpatya! A guy's understanding of life has changed after he cried for the first time with his grieving girlfriend

Hindi kayang maki-simpatya! A guy's understanding of life has changed after he cried for the first time with his grieving girlfriend

KAMI wants to remind everyone that crying doesn't mean that you are weak. Sometimes, you have to let all emotions out to feel free.

This phenomenal Filipino love story will make you believe in magic -from KAMI Youtube Channel - a heart that never forgets

Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Michelle Ortiguero