Soak a cotton ball in alcohol, put it in your navel and get rid of...

Soak a cotton ball in alcohol, put it in your navel and get rid of...

- Cotton wool is a pretty common material amongst the world population. But did you know that a cotton wool can also be used to treat stomach problems? Read ahead!

You don't have to memorize a lot of terms to be able to take care of yourself, knowing how to provide home remedies can also let you save money and today we will show you how.

Soak a cotton ball in alcohol, put it in your navel and get rid of...

Many people have experienced abdominal pain, and it is only appropriate that we learn how to treat it and the best thing is that you will only need to include cotton wool, facial cleansers, a bit of time, and ethanol alcohol or disinfectant alcohol.

Soak a cotton ball in alcohol, put it in your navel and get rid of...

What? Are you serious? Yes we are! And first, let me explain to you the beneficial effects of alcohol in the cotton wool

- Curing dizziness

- Reducing stomach pain

- Reducing your cold, cough, or fever

So knowing that, let's check what you have to do to stop the abdominal pain with alcohol in the cotton wool.

Soak a cotton ball in alcohol, put it in your navel and get rid of...

The first thing you do is put some alcohol on the cotton ball, drain the excess alcohol.

Next, you should apply the cotton ball on your belly button, you can even use a tape to ensure that it stays there because you have to leave it for a half an hour.

Soak a cotton ball in alcohol, put it in your navel and get rid of...

In order to be effective, the procedure should be done twice a day. Don't forget to be in a relaxed state while you are doing this.

But you have to be alert and if you think your body is having bad reactions to the alcohol and cotton wool, you should stop immediately and go to the doctor.


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John Carlo Bagatsing