Prince Stefan, boyfriend shirtless in New Year’s Eve party

Prince Stefan, boyfriend shirtless in New Year’s Eve party

- Prince Stefan and boyfriend welcomed 2017 with a kiss in latest Instagram post

- The couple attended the White Party in Bangkok, Thailand for New Year’s countdown

-The “Starstuck” alum recently confirmed that he is gay after actress Keanna Reeves claimed that he is gay

Kapuso actor Prince Stefan and boyfriend, Paolo Amores, welcomed the New Year by locking lips in latest Instagram post.

READ ALSO: Prince Stefan speaks about gay rumors

Prince and his boyfriend flew to Bangkok, Thailand for the holidays. The two attended the White Party for the New Year countdown. The caption reads, “Happy 2017 stay happy & in love”. Based from the photos, the party seemed to be for gays and everyone is without tops.

Since the actor revealed his gender and preference after being closeted for so long, he became bold in posting photos of his relationship. Prince and his boyfriend posted a photo of them in their respective Instagram accounts while they were enjoying a jacuzzi in their birthday suit.

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Prince’s gender has become quite an issue for hiding it for so long. The issue cam to light when actress Keanna Reeves revealed that the actor is gay. Now, he confirmed that he is in a relationship with non-showbiz citizen Paolo Amores who is based in Singapore.

“I guess I grew tired of fooling other people—and myself. I just wanted to be happy—and now I am,” the actor said when admitting that he is gay. In a separate interview, he said that he doesnot see himself marrying another man. He is okay in having a boyfriend, but not with the same gender.

READ ALSO: Prince Stefan breaks his silence on Keanna Reeve's claims



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