Carlos Celdran defends LP and Mar against 'Millenial BPO'

Carlos Celdran defends LP and Mar against 'Millenial BPO'

Carlos Celdran, known for his artistic and patriotic efforts, recently posted a viral post on Facebook stating strong words against a "Millenial BPO" complainant against Mar Roxas and the Liberal party.

In his post, the online personality, didn't hold back his sentiments. Celdran emphasized on brand names that millenials usually patronizes and discribed them by starting with "Dear Millenial BPO in the skinny Uniqlo jeans frantically typing on your glittery iPhone6, bitching about Mar, the Liberal party and desperately needing change in your life as you SIT there with a Starbucks Latte in hand,"

He continued on claiming that without Mar and the Liberal Party, the complaining individual will not have a car, a job, and the Starbucks beverage. He even made a remark about not comparing the Philippines to Singapore, hitting the other party with a statement that says "Without that readily available promo fare, you wouldn't even know what Singapore looks like."

Carlos Celdran defends LP and Mar against 'Millenial BPO'

But Celdran was far from proving his point. The post was soon followed by another post citing the laws which Roxas passed in order to help the BPO industry in the country. "Sorry for using harsh words and throwing Jollibee in your face but apparently being crude is what it takes to be heard nowadays," Celdran remarked.

Afterwards, an infographic detailing that Roxas created 1.2 million jobs and the country experienced P100.1 billion revenue under his lead, was also shared by Celdran.

His sentiments of course got mixed reactions and the majority of the BPO industry was displeased with his manner of getting his messages across. One commenter named Jet Chua said "Every Filipino has the right to complain; you as an activist made yourself known by complaining,"

Some commenters felt that Celdran didn't have to result to insulting individuals in order to succesfully campaign and show support to his chosen candidate. Many of his posts are known to praise Roxas and Leni Robredo making him one of the most visible well-known supporters of the party.


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Holden De La Cruz