10 Interesting Filipino insults

10 Interesting Filipino insults

- Filipinos have a good sense of humor and included in those are insults that are hard to understand if you’re someone from a foreign country

- If you’re a Filipino reader, surely you must have used (or be the recipient of) these words at some point for teasing

- Most of the time, they aren’t intended to hurt someone’s feelings but just to inject a sense of humor in the situation


The Philippines is a country in South East Asia that is not only known for the sceneries but for its people as well. Famous for the hospitality and nice attitude, Filipinos are always commended by foreigners who visit the country.

Another thing residents of the nation can be proud of is their outlook on staying happy most of the time. Included in the humor is their inside jokes which they use to lighten up a stressful situation or to simply tease one another.

Here’s a list of insults you have highly likely used before (or was used on you) if you’re a Filipino!

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P.S. We know you can relate to some of these circumstances but know that none of these are purposely intended to hurt you.

1. Chaka

What it really means: Ugly

Imagine your friend hyping her crush for weeks. You’ve listened to her gushing about how handsome, kind, and awesome he is. But when it’s time for your friend to show you his actual picture… Well, let’s just say you’ve expected more.

10 Interesting Filipino insults
When you want to be honest but refuse to hurt your friend at the same time. (Photo credit: envato.com)

2. Dabyana

What it really means: Someone with excessive fat

It’s that time of the year again when you have an excuse to eat anything you like since the holidays are just around the corner. All is good until you see yourself in a body mirror and regret ordering that extra rice.

10 Interesting Filipino insults
It doesn’t really feel nice when someone points out your increasing weight. (Photo credit: giphy.com)

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3. Babalu

What it really means: A person with a protruding chin

It feels good when someone tells you not to look down so much and be careful, but if they add that the possible result of the action could be stabbing yourself… You know what? That person might not be so thoughtful after all.

10 Interesting Filipino insults
Sorry for not having a face like a Greek God. (Photo credit: giphy.com)

4. Muntimang

What it really means: ‘You look stupid.’

You really think you have a chance with the girl of your dreams. Sure, she wants to know you more first but you still need to prove yourself. So, you follow her everywhere. However, her Facebook status suddenly changed from ‘Single’ to ‘In a relationship’ and it’s not you.

10 Interesting Filipino insults
We’ve all had our ‘muntimang’ moments. (Photo credit: shutterstock.com)

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5. Echosera

What it really means: Someone who always comes up with a lie or an excuse

10 Interesting Filipino insults
Everyone used to be this kind of friend at some point. (Photo credit: picturequotes.com)

6. Pashnea

What it really means: Closely related to ‘You animal!’ or any similarity with the creature

The terror professor was on his way out of the classroom and the whole class was rejoicing silently. He was already at the door when your grade-conscious classmate shouted, “Sir, we forgot to pass our homework.”

10 Interesting Filipino insults
The show, ‘Encantadia,’ originally came up with the word. (Photo credit: quiterev.com)

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7. Krung-krung

What it really means: A crazy or weird person

Your Facebook friend started sharing how depressed he was over something and ended up writing a post that says, “I hope someone will talk to me.” Being the kind person that you are, you ask him what’s wrong. His reply? “Sorry. It’s too private.”

10 Interesting Filipino insults
You don’t really have to share everything on Facebook if you don’t want to. (Photo credit: giphy.com)

8. Barbero

What it really means: Someone who keeps creating fake stories

Your officemate was really eager to share tales about his vacation in Singapore. It was fun listening for a while but he wouldn’t stop talking. You ignored him for the most part until you heard him say he enjoyed his trip to Disneyland.

10 Interesting Filipino insults
Too-good-to-be-true stories aren’t really impressive. (Photo credit: quiterev.com)

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9. Buraot

What it really means: A person who asks for free things most of the time

You look around the classroom and made sure everyone was busy. You grabbed your bag and carefully put it under your desk. This is a critical moment and you’ve succeeded getting what you need. Suddenly, someone asked you “Uy, Pahingi!” (“Hey, can I have some?”) You noticed people started looking your way then you realized it’s time to say goodbye to your new pad of yellow paper.

10 Interesting Filipino insults
It’s not that you’re selfish but they’ve never once bought anything and just asked you for everything. (Photo credit: giphy.com)

10. Ambisyosa

What it really means: Someone with unrealistic ambitions

We all had a celebrity crush and fantasized being their girlfriends at some point. But someone has to take it up a notch and declare how she will stay single because he will ask her to marry him someday.

10 Interesting Filipino insults
Please, get a hold of reality. (Photo credit: giphy.com)


Some items in the article are considered to be Filipino slang. It’s a type of informal language which can only be understood by the people who came up with it.

Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Hazel Dhane Bautista