The way this lesbian couple conceived their child is incredible!

The way this lesbian couple conceived their child is incredible!

– Australian lesbians have conceived without help from IVF

– Their gay friend put his sperm in a syringe used to impregnate horses

– It took 14 months for the pair to conceive after trying once each month

A lesbian couple decided to start a family and have a baby. They accepted the help from their close gay friend in order to fall pregnant without professional IVF treatment.

36-year-old Jarrad Evans donated sperm by depositing it into a syringe made to impregnate horses because the couple thought IVF would be expensive.

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The way this lesbian couple conceived their child is incredible!

Jade Richards, 36, and Ann Gard, 32, wanted to start a family since they met. “We figured we were both healthy so we may as well try without everyone's help,” Jade said. “We went into it blindly because we didn't know anyone else who had done it. nn and I bought one at first but then Jarrad told us they don't actually hold liquid so we used something you inseminate horses with – it is a syringe with a long tube attached to it.”

They had been trying again and again – each time Jade’s period came. The couple had looked into IVF before they decided to try to get pregnant without professional help, but found waiting times and potential costs detouring.

It all because if you bring you own sperm donor you have to wait six months for the sample to be cleaned before you will be able to use it.

The way this lesbian couple conceived their child is incredible!

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In 14 months the couple and Jarrad attempted such unusual treatment 14 times – but Jade only took one pregnancy test.

“At the beginning I told myself I wouldn't check every month because I wanted to avoid disappointment,” Jade remembers. “It was New Year's Eve when I found out. Ann and I sat on the bathroom floor waiting for the test results – as soon as two lines showed up we messaged Jarrad and mum. I don't think Jarrad, who was on holiday, believed us at first – and he said he was not going to get excited until the 12-week mark. But he was.”

At 12-weeks all three of them announced the pregnancy together in a humerous Facebook post.

The way this lesbian couple conceived their child is incredible!

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Jade is the professional dancer, but had to stop dancing at 14 weeks because her morning sickness didn’t fit with spinning on the pole.

The way this lesbian couple conceived their child is incredible!

Everybody agrees the baby can call Jarrad “dad” and he will be allowed to spend important events like birthdays and Christmas with them. Now the couple want another child, or two, which Jarrad has agreed to donate sperm for as well.

The way this lesbian couple conceived their child is incredible!
The way this lesbian couple conceived their child is incredible!



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Rolando Valdes