KAMI Exclusives
Celebrity mom Ara Mina praised her husband Dave Almarinez as a stepfather to her daughter Amanda. She also talked about the possibility of having a new baby.
In an exclusive interview with KAMI, veteran actress Ara Mina honestly spoke about the challenges she faces in her marriage with businessman Dave Almarinez.
Actress Ara Mina was interviewed by KAMI about her husband, Dave Almarinez. In the interview, Ara described Dave as a husband a year after they got married.
Xander Ford’s partner, Gena Mago, needs financial help after her parents figured in an accident. According to Gena, both her parents are in critical condition.
Antonette Gail Del Rosario firmly believes that her priorities and those of her boyfriend Whamos Cruz will completely change once their baby Meteor is born.
Antonette Gail Del Rosario spoke to KAMI about her pregnancy. The social media star shared that getting pregnant caused a lot of drastic changes in her life.
Winwyn Marquez spoke about discovering herself while caring for her first child, baby Luna, and getting a lot of help and support from her non-showbiz partner.
Christian Merck Grey, also known as Makagwapo, frankly reacted on YouTube to Zeinab Harake’s alleged “trash” comments about him and his other vlogger friends.
Celebrity mommy Winwyn Marquez has shared with KAMI that her adorable daughter Luna got 50 percent of her personality from her and 50 percent from her daddy.
KAMI Exclusives
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