Miel Pangilinan, matapang na klinaro na hindi siya isang lesbian

Miel Pangilinan, matapang na klinaro na hindi siya isang lesbian

- Miel Pangilinan refuted the news headline that she’s a lesbian, clarifying that she’s queer

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- She also advised people and news outlets to be informed first about the topic before writing about it

- Kiko Pangilinan and Sharon Cuneta’s daughter refused to give further details about the “boundaries and extents” of her sexual identity

- Miel shared that she got upset that she still had to clarify that she’s queer after already making it clear in her original post

Miel Pangilinan took to social media to react to an online news site that said she is a lesbian.

Sharon Cuneta’s daughter refuted the news headline, clarifying that she’s queer, which is different from being a lesbian.

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Miel Pangilinan
Miel Pangilinan refutes news that she’s a lesbian: “I am queer” (@mielpangilinan)
Source: Instagram

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Furthermore, Miel advised people and news outlets to be informed first about the topic before writing about it.

However, she refused to give further details about the “boundaries and extents and specifics of her attraction/identity.”

According to Miel, she got upset that she still had to clarify that she’s queer after already making it clear in her original post.

“This is incorrect. I am not a lesbian, nor have I claimed to be.
“I stated specifically on the post that I am queer—and unless stated otherwise don’t just make assumptions that I’m a lesbian based on the fact that I came out or that I held a pride flag.
“Please inform yourselves. If I was a lesbian I would have said I was a lesbian.
“I am queer. Queer ≠ lesbian. If you’re going to inform people, inform yourself first. and at least give my post a proper read-through before making a post about it.

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"It’s pride month. If you’re going to make a post reporting about a person’s whole IDENTITY, I should hope that you get it right. please. There are more identities than lesbian and gay lol.
“I also don’t NEED to talk about the boundaries and extents and specifics of my attraction/identity.
“It’s extremely personal and the fact that it’s something I need to clarify despite the including the statement that I am queer in my post is just upsetting. Identity is personal and if you’re going to report on it, please stick to the source lmaoo,” Miel wrote.
Miel Pangilinan refutes news that she’s a lesbian: “I am queer”

Sharon Cuneta, also known as The Megastar, is a famous Filipina actress, singer, host and endorser. She is the wife of Sen. Kiko Pangilinan and the mother of actress and entrepreneur KC Concepcion, whose father is actor Gabby Concepcion.

The Megastar made news when she cried as she talked about the shutdown of ABS-CBN during her IG Live. She got heartbroken over the thousands of employees affected by the shutdown. The Megastar honored some of her staff and crew and mentioned their names one by one. She couldn't help but ask why people must lose their jobs and asked if people could imagine the country without ABS-CBN.

Her eldest daughter, KC Concepcion, also went viral after giving an honest interview about her relationship with Sharon Cuneta. KC said that she's not the perfect daughter and that every family goes through its ups and downs.

Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Daniel Joseph Navalta