5 misconceptions of many Filipino families about OFWs

5 misconceptions of many Filipino families about OFWs

OFWs work hard for their families. They don't often air their frustrations out of love. However, it doesn't mean that they don't feel heartaches that are left hidden. Here are some of the things that many OFWs lament.

5 misconceptions of many Filipino families about OFWs
5 misconceptions of many Filipino families about OFWs (Photo: ofwabroad)

May pera agad

Some OFWs lament the fact that their families think that the moment they wave their goodbyes at the airport, they will be able to send money right away. Wrong!

It takes a month's worth of backbreaking work before OFWs can send money to their loved ones. If workers in the Philippines are paid every 15th and 30th, salaries of many OFWs are often being withheld by their agencies.

This would be dependent on the agency. Some agencies withhold salaries for 15 days. So after working for 1 month, the poor OFW will receive it on the 15th the next month after. This is just one example. There are many other salary schemes that OFWs have to deal with.

Dine out ang trip

Some families of OFWs think that when their loved one posts a photo of them dining out at a restaurant, they would feel like it's an everyday thing.

It actually isn't!

After five or sometimes six days of hard work, OFWs need a break. Remember, some of them work for 8 hours straight, without sitting, and with only five or 10 minutes break in between.

So 30 minutes at a restaurant will be a nice break for them.

5 misconceptions of many Filipino families about OFWs
5 misconceptions of many Filipino families about OFWs (Photo: workabroad)

Relax mode always

Sometimes, you just have to blame Facebook. The moment an OFW posts a photo of him relaxing by the seashore or simply strolling at a busy street, there are those who'll think he's just relaxing and not working.

If only they knew! Whew!

"Ang selfish niya!"

If an OFW would not be able to lend money to a family member, the instant reaction would be, "Ang damot!"

Hey! OFWs don't have money every time because whatever they earn, they send to their families right away. Sometimes, they even have to borrow money from a bank or a fellow OFW just to sustain the needs of their families!

Just like in a post on OFW Abroad, they always send their money to the Philippines.

May kotse?

There are cases when the workplace of OFWs are literally far from them .So they have no choice but to drive a car.

When they purchase one, their family in the Philippines (mostly extended) would think that they are living the "bongga" life abroad.

Sad to say, it is of extreme necessity, or else the poor OFW wouldn't be able to keep his job, the one that supports his entire family (both immediate and extended) in the Philippines.

These are just some of the things that many families won't hear from their OFW loved ones working abroad. This however, is often the harsh reality that many OFWs experience.

Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Stacy dela Fuente (Editor)