Lexi Fernandez finally speaks up

Lexi Fernandez finally speaks up

Lexi Fernandez – daughter of prestigious actress Maritoni Fernandez who contributed to several projects for the GMA Network, including Tween Hearts (2010) and Kakambal ni Eliana (2013).

Anxiety and depression are the reasons why former Kapuso teen actress Lexi Fernandez left the showbiz on 2013.

“During the three years I was working, I was already secretly battling anxiety and depression, but it wasn’t until 2013, while I was working on my last soap, that I could no longer handle it. I just exploded,” she said.

During her younger years, Lexi accounts her mother revealing to her how difficult it is to work at the showbiz.

The young would-be actress was under the impression that her mother meant that having a career as an actress in showbiz is difficult. Little did she know about the stress that comes with being under the limelight.

The teen actress also expresses that she was pressured to become someone that she is not. How she crossed the lines of her own principles and to go as far as being manipulative and resorting to lies, just so she can get the approval of others despite the constant reminders from her mother to always remain sincere and truthful.

This has been a cause for her to lose many friends in the showbiz.

“I pushed myself to change into someone I was very uncomfortable with just to fit in with the rest of the crew. Little did I know that doing so would just make me all the more prone to conflict,” she cries.

After a year in the making of Kakambal ni Eliana on 2013, Lexi inevitably broke down and suffered a fatal asthma attack.

“After that, I took it upon myself to take a break to just focus on working on me.”

Now three years away from the spotlight of showbiz, and 21 years old, Lexi Fernandez reflects on her past journey through performing as an actress. She laughs mildly as she looks back on the problems she faced, and finds forgiveness.

“There are much more important things in life than to worry about what others think of you.”

Inspite of Lexi’s longing for acting again; she humbly chooses to focus on her studies and give time to her self first.

“I love acting and I definitely miss it. However, having said that, I also love what I am doing now. After recovering from my attack, I enrolled into college and started studying about Child Development and Education in the University Of Asia and the Pacific,” she said.





Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Theo David
