11 Inspiring LGBT Celebrity couples that will give you hope

11 Inspiring LGBT Celebrity couples that will give you hope

KAMI celebrates Pride Month this June with a list to inspire everyone!

Check out these eleven lovely couples from the Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Transexual community who have paved the way for future generations to celebrate their love.

1. Boy Abunda and Bong Quintana

2. Liza Diño and Aiza Seguerra

3. Tim Yap and Javi Martinez

4. Sebastian Castro and Ryan Chua

5. Ate Glow and Hamshire

6. Prince Stefan and Paolo Amores

7. Rosanna Roces and Blessy Arias

8. Geraldine Roman

9. Paolo Ballesteros and boyfriend

10. Francis Libiran and Christian Mark Jacobs

11. Joey and Angelina Mead King

KAMI believes that love always win and that love knows no gender.

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Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Benny Bernardo