Act of stealing by an old woman who keeps on talking in order to distract the seller caught on CCTV
For security reasons, many establishments have CCTV installed no matter how big or small they are. With this technology, business owners could easily monitor their shops and catch customers who are stealing.
KAMI found this story posted on ANG Lupet MO page on Facebook.
- This video was about a not so old female customer who was caught stealing some of her change and then complaining of incorrect change.
- In the video, the woman kept on talking in order to distract the sellers of the store. She acted very kind not even asking for additional plastic bag instead she put what she purchased inside one of the bags she was already carrying while paying for it. When she was given her change, she quickly kept one bill and complained that the change is not complete.
- This video was posted with captions to be shared in order to avoid being victimized by the said woman.

The woman approached a small convenient store in order to buy a chocolate powder. Since her brand of preference wasn’t available the seller offered a different brand which was more expensive but of better quality.

When she got what she wanted to buy, she paid 500 peso bill and put the item inside her plastic bag. While she was waiting for her change, she kept on talking to the seller until her changed was given to her which the companion of the seller counted upon putting on her hand. In a blink of an eye, the woman slipped one 100 peso bill under her armpit and complained that her change was not right.

As the woman waited, she looked around the store and noticed the CCTV camera; she then quickly returned what she took pointing that the bill was inserted with the store display items. As she received the complete change, she hurriedly walked out and away from the store.

Check out this KAMI story which infuriated many of its viewers and at the same time, raised awareness to be more vigilant of such petty crimes because anyone can steal whether they be young or old.