My wife surprised her coworkers when she came out as trans. Then they surprised her...
Even in socially accepting societies, transgender individuals find it difficult coming out in the open and declaring their new gender orientation.
Canada is one of the most accepting open and accommodating societies, but for this man's wife Zoe, it was still a little bit tricky. She works at a large company and her colleagues have always known her to be a man.

After keeping her transition from a man to a woman secret for a while, Zoe finally decided it was time to come out in the open. She wrote an intricately worded email to her colleagues announcing her transition.
The response was surprisingly kind and encouraging. Her more than 70 colleagues all supported and even commended her for her courage and being herself. She then took some time off from the office and prepared to come for the first time as a woman.
She found a pleasant surprise—her colleagues had decorated her office nicely to suit her new gender orientation.

They proudly displayed her new name, Zoe, and prepared a lovely card next to a lily plant with the words, "Welcome Zoe!"
Zoe was overwhelmed by the kind and supportive gesture from her colleagues. She expressed her deep appreciation for being so understanding and accepting.

Her colleagues also left one more message especially for her. It was a quote by the poet Oscar Wilde.

What lovely colleagues! Zoe is very lucky indeed to have them.