Say hello to Kenny, the inbred white tiger with down syndrome
Tigers are beautiful and majestic creatures. However, tigers in captivity are often the victims of inbreeding caused by demand for so-called "exotic" breeds, which often means they are born with physical deformities.
This is the unfortunate case for Kenny, who is the result of selective inbreeding. He has severe physical deformities as well as a mental handicap in the form of down syndrome.

This bad practice of inbreeding has resulted in Kenny not having a normal tiger life, as he has to contend with his physical and mental handicaps on a daily basis for his entire life in captivity.
It is also thought that he is the first ever tiger with the down syndrome. This is purely a consequence of man's selfish actions and preferences, as such inbreeding rarely occurs naturally in the wild.

Kenny is being cared for at the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas, US, after being rescued from the inbreeders.
Fortunately, he is receiving the best possible care at the Refuge along with other tigers. This also gives him company in order to make his life as normal as possible under the circumstances.

Feel sorry for Kenny? Share this story and spread awareness to prevent any more inbreeding!