Chinese man yearns to divorce partner with stinky feet

Chinese man yearns to divorce partner with stinky feet

- A man who lives in Henan Province, China is divorcing his wife who has an untidy lifestyle

- Surnamed Su, the husband complained about his wife's smelly feet so strong that he could no longer take it

- Mr. Su said his wife resists to change even if he already asked to have her feet thoroughly washed

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For almost a decade, one Chinese man has been suffering from the odorous feet of his wife.

He endured the stinky smell every single day of his life just to save their marriage.

But all things come to an end. The husband can no longer bear the evil-smelling scent and decided to divorce his wife whom she lived with for seven years.

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As reported by MailOnline, the fed-up husband who is identified only by his surname Su, has asked his wife countless times to clean her feet. His wife, nevertheless, would never listen to his plead.

"I told her I could not accept it and she should wash her feet. She said she would not do it and would rather I choked to death," he complained.

Mr. Su described the intensity of his wife's smelly feet. He said the odor could knock out a busload of people.

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"Talking about her foot odor, every time when I come back home, the smell is very strong," he protested.

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Aside from the foul-smelling feet, Mr. Su also said his wife is unhygienic in general.

"My wife is really untidy. She threw her clothes everywhere," the man who is believed to be living in Henan Province told Henan TV reporters.

Meanwhile, the wife refused to go into details concerning their divorce.

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It seems like there will be no happy ending for the couple unlike these two lovebirds.



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Ramona Laurel