Pregnant Mom Of 3 Was Shot & Killed By COPS During "Wellness Check"

Pregnant Mom Of 3 Was Shot & Killed By COPS During "Wellness Check"

- A Native American woman was shot to death by police officers

- She was pregnant with her fourth child

- The woman was apparently suffering from depression

Pregnant Mom Of 3 Was Shot & Killed By COPS During "Wellness Check"

A pregnant Native American woman was shot to death by police officers in Washington state on Friday. She had apparently sent her boyfriend a distressed text message telling him she was going to kill herself. She even sent him a photograph showing a cut she had made to her own arm.

The boyfriend flagged down a police patrol car and after he told them what was going on, they went over to Renee Davis´ house, which is located inside Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. She was reported to be suffering from pregnancy depression.

Pregnant Mom Of 3 Was Shot & Killed By COPS During "Wellness Check"

What happened after the cops got to the pregnant woman´s home is unclear. The “wellness check” turned into a shooting of the 23-year mother of three, who was five months into her term for a fourth child. The deputies allegedly knocked on the door around 6:30 in the evening, and nobody answered, but upon entering, they saw the children running around inside the house, and Davis in possession of the gun.

She was shot at least once, but both cops fired their guns. They are on administrative leave pending an investigation. Davis was a “soft person”, according to her foster sister, Daniella Bargala. “She was never violent and loved the outdoors”.

Pregnant Mom Of 3 Was Shot & Killed By COPS During "Wellness Check"

Cases of police violence against Native Americans are on the rise in the U.S., and the #NativeLivesMatter movement, although very less well-known than its black counterpart, is starting to receive more attention from national media. Cases like the killing of Renee Davis will probably put the issue more on the spotlight.


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Rolando Valdes