Drone caught a topless girl on the roof, her reaction is funny

Drone caught a topless girl on the roof, her reaction is funny

Just imagine: you are getting suntan on the roof of a building and see a drone flying up to you. There is only one problem: this girl was there half naked! Watch what happened next, it’s hilarious!

This young lady was getting her suntan topless on a roof. This man might have known it, or filmed her there accidentally through his drone. But the smart girl has spotted him timely. She got covered up and figured out that man won’t get away from her until she is there. It’s a form of distant stalking, after all.

What she does next is so funny! She takes up her clothes and runs away to hide behind a large structure on the roof. The man tries to follow there directing his drone. But he surely did not expect such a reaction from a tender female.

When the robot flies a bit closer… well, watch to see what the girl has done and laugh away! After that the guy had to retreat his drone to keep it safe from her attacks!

This whole situation is funny, but obviously this girl did not have much fun. Her peaceful rest was rudely interrupted.

Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Pia Bautista