Robin Padilla Latest News
Mariel Padilla, in her latest interview with Boy Abunda, revealed what her "only one" condition was for Robin Padilla before they even got married.
BB Gandanghari had a fun birthday celebration in the Philippines. Mariel Padilla gave glimpses of the party and also penned a short but sweet birthday greeting.
Kylie Padilla, a mom of two boys, shared a quote card about raising a decent son. As per the author of the quote, the world needs such kind of men.
Robin Padilla, a well-known Filipino senator, recently did a quick interview where he revealed his wishes for his daughter, Kylie Padilla, back then.
Sen. Robin Padilla and Mariel marked just their 14th wedding anniversary. Toni Gonzaga, Bianca Gonzalez, Marjorie Barretto, and other celebs then greeted the couple.
Mariel Padilla, in a post greeting her husband a “Happy Anniversary,” called Senator Robinhood Padilla a “true gentleman” who honors and loves her.
Robin Padilla, a well-known Filipino senator, has once again spoken up about the issue with regard to his earlier statement about marital consent.
Kylie Padilla took to IG and reposted a video clip. The clip was saying that, "No is a full sentence." The video also elaborated that one can just always say "no."
Mariel and Robin Padilla have recently stirred social media buzz after their exchange of messages about the topic of consent went viral on Facebook.
Robin Padilla Latest News
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