Why a baby looks like your ex? Get scientific telegony facts

Why a baby looks like your ex? Get scientific telegony facts

Is it really possible for your newborn to look like your ex or first sex partner? There are some stories when women share their uneasy feelings about the fact. They feel as if they have cheated on their husband, because the babies look so much like their ex. Learn what the sciences reveals about the mystery of heredity.

This science is called telegony. It is mostly applied to breeding animals. Scientists have carried out many experiments and got some amazing facts. It turns out that female bodies can remember the genetic information of their first sex partner.

When a female horse is mated with zebra, she bears no babies. However, later on, when mated with the same breed horse male, the babies of the couple get faint zebra stripes on their skin! The same experiments with other beasts and insects proved telegony was true in animals. For instance, female fruit fly’s descendants were of the same size as its first mating male partner instead of matching the size of their father.

Is telegony true for people?

Why a baby looks like your ex? Get scientific telegony facts

This theory is highly controversial, but we all share the same planet and biology. So, logically, what works for animals should also work for humans, right? In fact, there are some studies that show that telegony is possible in people. Recently scientists in UK had one such case to observe. The mother’s baby looked more like her previous sex partner than like its father.

It seems that genetic information and material of the first female’s sex partner enters her body and cells. It stays there throughout her entire life! When she mates with a new partner, that information enters the embryo and affects it physically.

There is no clear scientific proof of telegony in humans. The theory is controversial, but it hugely affects our morals. If it is true, we have all the more reasons to marry wise and keep sex within the marriage or at least use some condoms with those partners we do not wish to father our kids!

Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Pia Bautista