Gwapo! De La Salle student Daniel Azurin is the country’s representative to the 2017 edition of Manhunt International in Bangkok

Gwapo! De La Salle student Daniel Azurin is the country’s representative to the 2017 edition of Manhunt International in Bangkok

Daniel Azurin needs our support in competing in 2017 Manhunt International with 50 other respresentatives from around the world.

KAMI learned from Manila Bulletin about the six-feet-tall heartthrob who is a Finance student from De La Salle University.

Daniel stated that this is his first pageant.

He told Bulletin Entertainment,

“I’ve never imagined myself being in a pageant. But when I heard about the Manhunt Philippines, I got really interested that’s why I decided to join the search and luckily chosen, so let’s see what I can do.”

Manhunt International was established in 1993.

It is the world’s longest running International male model contest.

The competition involves public presentations, talent fun routines, thrilling events, and it is organized in a “macho” way for the ladies!

Today, the 21-year-old Daniel is undergoing various training to keep his body toned, along with being mentally prepared for the contest.

He stated,

“I am working a lot and I also have the right diet. So I think I have nothing to worry about and I am confident I can bring pride to my country.”

“I know that they (other Filipino representatives) are having a good run but I don’t feel the need to be pressured. I’m not pressured about anything,”

“I’m just having fun but at the same time, I will do my best. I don’t expect anything because if there’s no expectation, there’s no disappointment but I am really working hard for this.”

Daniel is determined to share the importance of healthy living once he wins the title.

He explained,

“Fitness is booming but not everybody is educated about it. If I get the title, at least I have the credibility to share kung anong ’yung nalalaman ko about fitness. Kasi nowadays, people do it para lang magandang tignan or gwapo but there’s more to that. It’s for a lifestyle, so I want to motivate them.”

KAMI wishes good luck for Daniel!


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Farrah Mandeeli
