They Heard Crying From This Pile Of Dirt, Started To Dig And Couldn't Believe Their Eyes

They Heard Crying From This Pile Of Dirt, Started To Dig And Couldn't Believe Their Eyes

What awful person could bury another living creature alive?

These policemen could hear there was a dog somewhere nearby crying, but it took them a while of searching to finally determine that the cries were emanating from a pile of dirt.

Source: Slip Talk
Source: Slip Talk

They dug through the pile, and found a tiny puppy buried half a foot under the sand. He was rushed to the vet, where it was determined he was all of 7 days old!

Source: Slip Talk
Source: Slip Talk

The vet and policemen were horrified that anyone in their right mind could possibly show such cruelty to a creature this small!

The poor pooch was checked over, and it was determined that he was luckily still in good health. He also took to bottle feeding with no fuss.

Source: Slip Talk
Source: Slip Talk

The decision was made to name the puppy Tucker, and the vet technician fell completely in love with the tiny little boy. Thanks to the technician, Tucker now has a home in which he will be loved and well cared for.

Source: Slip Talk
Source: Slip Talk

What do you think of people that could do this to a defenseless animal?

They Heard Crying From This Pile Of Dirt, Started To Dig And Couldn't Believe Their Eyes
They Heard Crying From This Pile Of Dirt, Started To Dig And Couldn't Believe Their Eyes

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Source: Slip Talk


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