They Had To Kiss Their Baby Goodbye And Stop Her Life Support

They Had To Kiss Their Baby Goodbye And Stop Her Life Support

Final goodbyes for Bella

Death came knocking at her door, but baby Bella refused to let him in. He was early, and he was unwelcome.

In this article, AmoMama wants to share with you the incredible story of baby Bella who made a miraculous recovery only minutes before she was to exhale her final breath.

Doctors had resigned her to an untimely fate, and they feared that there was no hope left for her. What hope can there be when your saviors have lost theirs?

Bella's parents were asked if they wanted to sign a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) and they agreed. The only problem was that they did not check with Bella first.

Little Bella and her teddy

After her hair had started to fall out at an alarming rate her condition rapidly deteriorated over the course of several months.

MRI scans revealed brain abnormalities but doctors were not able to say for certain what condition baby Bella was suffering from.

What news is that for a parent? What comfort or solace is there to find in such a hollow verdict? Surely there can be none.


If you believe in miracles, watch this video. If you don't believe in miracles you should definitely watch this video.

Source: YouTube/SWNS TV

"She was kicking and screaming. She had 100% oxygen levels. It was as if a miracle had happened."

Her health was fast declining and there was nothing that doctors could do. They finally gave the grim news and encouraged friends and family to say their goodbyes.

A last family photo

For the last time, the family posed together for a photo. It was to be the last family photo with little Bella and she was not even awake to part with a smile.

It was the last photo that her brother, Bobby would ever sit with her. It was the last time that she would feel his warmth or hear his voice.

After doctors had taken her off the ventilator her oxygen levels soon dropped and her breathing slowed. Bella was dying.

But 20 minutes later Bella had decided, "No!" Her breathing suddenly picked up and so did her vital signs. She started kicking and screaming and fighting.

READ MORE HERE: Stewardesses Help Surprise Delivery Of Baby Born At 42,000 Feet!

Baby Bella in hospital on support

After several tests doctors finally discovered that she suffered from a biotinidase deficiency.

It is a very rare condition that prevents the body from absorbing vital nutrients, but the condition is non-fatal and treatable.

All smiles after her miraculous recovery

After Bella's miraculous recovery in the face of certain death she received proper treatment and soon regained her strength.

With the right medication and supplements, Bella is able to enjoy the childhood that every toddler deserves.

Bella and her brother Bobby

Fate is never ours to decide and hope is never ours to decline, but as long as we have faith, we will have strength to survive.

What do you think of Bella's timely recovery? Was it a miracle or just plain coincidence? We would love to hear from you.


They Had To Kiss Their Baby Goodbye And Stop Her Life Support
They Had To Kiss Their Baby Goodbye And Stop Her Life Support

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