This Man Decided To Wake Up A Sleeping Anaconda And Regretted It Very Quickly!

This Man Decided To Wake Up A Sleeping Anaconda And Regretted It Very Quickly!

Why would anyone want to awaken a sleeping anaconda?

Apparently, not all are so afraid of the giant snake. Like the man in a viral video who poked a sleeping anaconda with a stick.

Source: Youtube / Boludoman
Source: Youtube / Boludoman

It was difficult to spot the snake at first because it blended well with the mud and water.

But the man in question breaks the camouflage as he tapped the serpent’s huge head with a stick.

After a few taps, the anaconda awakened and lunged at the man.


Source: Youtube / Boludoman
Source: Youtube / Boludoman

Luckily, he was able to quickly move away, avoiding the enraged snake.

Had the snake had a chance to bite him, the man may have been constricted to death. And then swallowed whole, like what we see in anaconda movies.

The man should thank the snake for not chasing him, after its failed attempt to take hold of him.

Source: Youtube / Boludoman
Source: Youtube / Boludoman

He continued to take a video of the anaconda as he retreated to safety.

Anacondas are found in South America. In Hollywood movies, these large snakes have been depicted as ferocious creatures who attack humans.

Watch the horrifying video below. What do you think of what he did? Comment below and don’t forget to share this story.

Source: Elite Readers


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