Ellen Adarna accuses Cebu City Mayor's son of threatening to kill her friend

Ellen Adarna accuses Cebu City Mayor's son of threatening to kill her friend

- Ellen Adarna recently posted on Facebook to accuse the son of Cebu City Mayor Tommy Osmeña of harassment back in 2009

- She accused the mayor’s son – Miguel – of shooting her friend’s digital camera and sending her a death threat

- Miguel has responded to the accusations through his wife’s Facebook account

Ellen Adarna has dug up a harassment issue regarding the son of Cebu City Mayor Tommy Osmeña and posted her shocking accusations on Facebook.

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She posted the alleged harassment incident that supposedly took place in 2009 to respond to the Mayor’s statement regarding “spoiled brats” – which he made with regards to the arrest of David Lim Jr., a nephew of alleged drug lord Peter Lim, for shooting a male nurse in Cebu during a road rage incident.

In her viral FB post, Ellen said that the mayor’s son -- Miguel Osmeña – sent a death threat to her friend Samantha Benitez after shooting her digital camera with a gun back in 2009.

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REALLY? REALLY? REALLY???? WELL WELL WELL... WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE HAHAHAHAHA Throwback feelings when your 'BRAT' shot my kabarkadas digi cam, hung it on her gate and threatened us with a text message 'the next time this happens the bullet goes through your head,’” Ellen wrote.

After finding out about Ellen’s post, Miguel decided to respond using the Facebook account of his wife Anna Gabriela, who used to be close friends with Ellen and Samantha, according to PEP.

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“Yes, in 2009, I found Bea passed out in a bar after some of her classmates called me to say her group (including Samantha Benitez and Ellen Adarna) abandoned her there. The same classmates told me a pill was slipped into Bea's glass,” Miguel narrated.

“I had to wipe the mud off her before carrying her to my car to bring her to the hospital. She had to go on IV, and it took her 3 hours just to wake up,” he added.

He also denied that he shot Samantha’s digital camera and that he sent her a death threat.

“If she [Samantha] was so convinced of my guilt, why did she fail to submit the camera to the NBI for fingerprinting and ballistics tests? If she was so traumatized, WHY DID SHE POSE FOR GLAMOUR SHOTS WITH THE EVIDENCE BEFORE CRYING ON MEDIA?” Miguel asked.

Miguel added that he could have sued his accusers of libel because they could not present evidence against him but he chose not to.

His father also released a statement on Facebook to defend him from Ellen’s accusations.

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Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Daniel Joseph Navalta