8 obvious signs on IG post of Heart Evangelista proving that she is an ultimate donya

8 obvious signs on IG post of Heart Evangelista proving that she is an ultimate donya

- Heart Evangelista is almost synonymous to the words rich, elegant, and talented

- This actress is living the dream life and you’d be eager to switch lives even for a day

- Here are 8 proofs to our claim

Who comes first in your mind when you hear the words rich, classy, and talented?

We bet it was Heart Evangelista.

This lady has it all; starting from her beautiful features down to her numerous talents. It’s only natural that she would captivate millions of people with her charm.

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But that’s not what we’re talking about right now. If you’re among the people who just can’t resist having hearts for eyes whenever Heart gives a glimpse of her lifestyle, then buckle up. Here are 8 proofs that the actress is living the dream!

1. She paints – even on Hermes bags!

Nope, Heart isn’t the type to only have her gorgeous face to offer. Besides her acting chops and her pleasant singing voice, the actress is also in touch with a different side of art that includes paint and canvas. But don’t expect her to simply express herself in a usual way, she does it in a ridiculously rich fashion by painting on a million-worthy bag.

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2. Spoiler: this is not a restaurant

You know how Heart does not only possess impeccable taste in clothes, shoes, and bags? Yes, she brought it to her house as well. Lots of fans mistake her dining area as a restaurant at first, and we totally understand why!

3. Have you seen her house?

We don’t even know where to begin. Forget how most of her followers on social media thought that her dining area was a restaurant – her house could rival a resort or even a hotel! We are incredibly amazed on the large space she has allotted for storage and for her (not to mention, expensive looking) utensils.

4. Heart is a living Disney princess

Remember when she looked immaculate in her wedding gown just like how true queens and princesses are on their special day? That was absolutely goals and we can’t even think about how that must have cost! Actually, nevermind her fancy dresses - she looks good in everything! Nobody would be surprised if she even rocks a garbage bag.

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5. She is spoiled by her prince charming

…Who comes in the form of Senator ‘Chiz’ Escudero. Not only does he provide the best for his wife, but he makes sure that Heart lives like a true queen! Look at how they ‘humbly’ celebrated their anniversary. One word: goals.

6. Balesin is just like a mall to her

Not to exaggerate things but Balesin is probably one of the most expensive resorts in the country and anyone can definitely see the reason why. Nonetheless, Heart frequents the place and might as well live there one day with the number of times she goes in a year – no, make that at least 3 months?

7. She’s friends with Michael Coste

Just in case you don’t know, Coste is an Hermes executive who toured her in the brand’s Secret Garden when she visited Paris one time. The phrase ‘tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are’ has never been more true.

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8. Heart knows when to give back

Whether she got her wealth from her family or she earned it through hard work, Heart never forgets to be grateful for her blessings and share it. This actress may be insanely rich but she’s got a golden heart and a good head on her shoulders.

We’re just wondering when she plans to have a baby as cute as little Seve!

Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Max Puanto