91-year-old man claims drinking his own urine keeps him young and healthy

91-year-old man claims drinking his own urine keeps him young and healthy

- From Cleopatra’s milk bath to the pearl powders of the Ming Dynasty, ageing is something the people would pay a fortune to halt aging

- One man from Spain claims that he has found the fountain of youth

- According to the man, his very own urine keeps him 10 years younger and so much more healthier

Anti-ageing treatments and medications have been around since time immemorial, it's true.

From Cleopatra’s milk bath to the pearl powders of the Ming Dynasty, these elixir of youth has always been a goal for those who wish to live for a long, long, long time.

The man, identified as Mark Ambrose, claims that he has found the elixir of youth, but not even the woman with whom he has been sharing a life of sin wants to try it. Photo credit: Daily Mail

Having said that, it was not surprising when a 91-year-old man from Spain was propelled to fame after he announced that he has discovered the elixir of youth and it is free.

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The elixir of youth that he found?

Drinking half a small glassful of his very own amber-colored urine as many times as he can during the day. Photo credit: www.marilyn.ca

If that all sounds crazy, you are in for yet another surprise because Ambrose did not stop at drinking his urine for treatment.

He also massages his skin with his it, believing that his urine, which can be fresh or a day or two old, can be very effective in healing problems. Photo credit: Daily mail

"Firm massaging of affected areas with urine can sometimes be needed for weeks on even months before healing is complete," he said.

He believes that drinking urine is responsible for his well-being and fine disposition. Photo credit: Daily Mail

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"I feel that life for me would not be worth living without it," he said.

Even his partner is impressed with the results of his urine therapy, which he had found online through research, though she declined trying it on herself. Photo credit: Daily Mail

"She has resisted all my attempts to persuade her to try the urine therapy," Ambrose admits.

His partner had said that she could not let go of her feelings of repugnance at the idea of drinking her own urine. Photo credit: Daily mail

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Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Margaux Torres