Stranger step in to help this firefighter dad left to raise 7 kids alone – including one with cancer

Stranger step in to help this firefighter dad left to raise 7 kids alone – including one with cancer

- Jeff Otte a firefighter and paramedic is raising his 7 child alone after his wife left him

- One of Jeff kids was diagnosed with a type of cancer that causes white blood cells to build up and form tumors in the body

- With the help of his sister and two nannies, he his trying to raise his children and keep his 8-year-old alive

Jeff Otte, is a Frankfort firefighter and a single father to seven children. His 9-year-old son Brandon has been battling a rare form of brain cancer without his mom because Jeff’s wife left the family the week of Brandon’s brain surgery.

Since that day Jeff is taking care for the seven children by himself.

Stranger step in to help this firefighter dad left to raise 7 kids alone – including one with cancer

But, standing by the age-old firefighting motto of doing “whatever it takes,” this dedicated dad has done exactly that to keep his family intact, and his son alive.

According to Jeff, besides the illness of his son one of the sadest moment on his day is when the children aged 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 1 ask for their mother and he couldn't say anything about her because he doesn’t want to give them any hope because his soon-to-be ex wife has had any contact with the couple’s children in a year.

Stranger step in to help this firefighter dad left to raise 7 kids alone – including one with cancer

With his only family support system being his sister Cindy, who has had two brain surgeries for aneurysms and recently underwent a double mastectomy for cancer, Jeff has been just barely staying afloat.

But even though this year has been a struggle, Otte is the first to gush over the amazing kindness and support he’s been shown by his community.

Stranger step in to help this firefighter dad left to raise 7 kids alone – including one with cancer

Jeff said:

“Everyone from the teachers, to the bus driver, to a woman named Casey at the park district has done something to help our family, I’m so used to being the one to help everyone else, that being on the other side, it’s humbling.”

Stranger step in to help this firefighter dad left to raise 7 kids alone – including one with cancer

“Everyone tells me that someday my kids will thank me for all I’ve done for them,” I tell him, “but when you are stuck in the moment and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, you feel like what you really need, is some help to make it through today,” he said


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John Carlo Bagatsing
