The Book Stop Project Proves Filipinos Are Readers

The Book Stop Project Proves Filipinos Are Readers

The Book Stop Project commenced on Apr. 23 at the Ayala Triangle Gardens revealed that Filipinos have the affinity for books.

There was an airline joke I heard when I was young saying that you can easily spot Filipinos in a plane as they are the ones sleeping or talking non-stop to their kababayan, while other passengers are reading. However, this seems not to be the case based on the show up at the recently concluded Dia del Libro or International Book Day last Saturday.

The Book Stop Project Proves Filipinos Are Readers
The Book Stop Project library at Ayala Gardens. Photo: Facebook

The Book Stop is one of the main attractions at the event. It is a non-profit 3×4 meter pop-up library designed by WTA Architecture & Design Studio that allows book lovers to donate, borrow, or swap books. Even the design and interior of the library allows readers to mingle and discuss about books. The goal of the project is to “reinvent, reinvigorate, and reestablish the library in Filipino society.”

The Book Stop will be at Ayala Triangle Gardens until May 9. Share ideas, one book at a time.

Filipinos are Bibliophiles, too.

While other nations mock us that we do not even read a magazine or newspaper every morning. Filipinos are bookworms, too. How can we read during our commute when it is like a battlefield to get to work?

The Book Stop Project Proves Filipinos Are Readers
The Book Stop Project reveals Filipinos love of books. Photo: Facebook

However, I can attest that my generation (Generation Y) and the millennials are voracious readers. During my high school and college years, we all wait with pins and needles for the release of the new Harry Potter books. Meanwhile, we also diligently read Paulo Coelho and Bob Ong books like a bible.

When I started working and earn money to support my addiction, I was one of the many who scour the Young Adult section in FullyBooked and National Bookstore for new releases. Even with the advent of new technology, readers still buy real books. Many say that the feel and effect of real books are different from electronic ones.

Happy International Book Day! By the way, what’s your Goodreads Reading Goal this year?


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Kristin Daniels