Horny Nico gets reprimanded by the Heussaff family

Horny Nico gets reprimanded by the Heussaff family

- Nico Bolzico has become popular on Instagram due to his hilarious posts

- The Argentinian businessman shared his reaction on sexy time with Solenn Heussaff

- He got rebuked by the Heussaff family for posting the clip

Getting laid has always excited humankind, whether they are dating someone or already married to their significant other.

Argentinian businessman Nico Bolzico just could not help but express his excitement when his wife, Solenn Heussaff, told him that they are going to get some sexy time.

He shared on Instagram a clip of his reaction, only clad in a towel, jumping on the bed like an enthusiastic child.

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"Hardly see wifezilla and she is always too tired ... ☝ my reaction when she tells me we are having sexy times tonight!," was the accompanying caption of his silly clip.

It is no surprise that he would react in that matter, since it is known that Solenn is one of the most sought-after actressses and endorsers in local showbiz.

However, his excitement was not shared by his wife as she scolded him on the social media app.

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Instead of getting pumped up for some lovemaking, Solenn got mad and told him that he will not get laid for a month.

Can you imagine Solenn going crazy for reprimanding her husband on social media?

To add more fuel to the fire, Solenn's mother even expressed her shock (and possibly) dismay about a matter that should not be shared on social media.

Nico apologized immediately, saying that he was just joking and that Solenn has already been sleeping in bed.

Cynthia Heussaff's comment is enough to make Nico weak.

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Although late in the comments, Erwan Heussaff decided to join and agreed with his sister's comment.

Although amused at the turn of events, Erwan just went along with his sister's comment.

Even if they have French blood running through their veins, Solenn and Erwan still got some Filipino in them - understanding that a person's sex life should not be revealed on social media.

Nico has become an Instagram star in his own right due to his witty posts about his life, but we also could not help but imagine how his sex life with Solenn since both are insanely hot creatures.

They might even check off some of the items here in this list, proving that they are on fire even in bed.

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Horny Nico gets reprimanded by the Heussaff family

Source: KAMI.com.gh

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Jake Muntinlupa