Watch as little girl defends her big sister from their mother

Watch as little girl defends her big sister from their mother

Having a sibling can be a really great experience and the video below just goes to show that sisters will always be there for each other.

A video about a little girl protecting her big sister from their mother is receiving a lot of attention online.

In the video, the mother was scolding the older sister when the little girl decided to act. She yelled at her mum saying ‘NO!” over and over again, very empathically.

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Each time the mum scolded the older sibling, the little girl reacted, looking visibly upset. She even leaned in to give big sister a hug a couple of times.

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The video which has been viewed over 130, 000 times received mainly positive comments. Most found the little girl adorable although some found it disrespectful that she yelled at her mum that way.

What do you think? Adorable or rude?


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Pia Bautista