Young gay performers shares powerful dance moves

Young gay performers shares powerful dance moves

- A video of a group of young Pinoy gay performers showing off their powerful dance prowess has gone viral on social media

- The video features the group in a heart-stopping production number displaying their immense dancing skills

- The video now has more than 4 million hits from netizens who were entertained by what they have witnessed

Dancing is a powerful way of communicating things.

There are many cultures in the world which put premium in dancing.

Young gay performers shares powerful dance moves

Some tribes, even in the Philippines still do their rituals and prayers through dancing. It could be a simple dance moves or complex dramatization.

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The presence of social media paved the way for average individuals to become a celebrity of their own right.

This is because you don’t need a huge network company for expensive productions for people to become popular.

Young gay performers shares powerful dance moves
Photo from

Take this story for example.

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A video of a group of young Pinoy gay performers showing off their powerful dance prowess has gone viral on social media.

The video features the group in a heart-stopping production number displaying their immense dancing skills.

The video now has more than 4 million hits from netizens who were entertained by what they have witnessed.

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Mark Angelo Roma avatar

Mark Angelo Roma
