Best and Worst PH advertisements on TV
- Competitive companies in the Philippines have produced intriguing commercials which turn to be memorable than others
- These advertisements ended up with either good and bad publicity, but publicity nonetheless
- The list includes a major food chain restaurant, two telecommunications company, and two alcoholic beverages among others
Let’s say two companies exist – company A and company B. Both sell the same products with only the packaging and its name as remarkable differences. Company A was nervous, they were concerned on their supposed course of action to defeat company B. All of a sudden, someone from their establishment came up with a great idea – why not focus on producing good advertisements?
Months later, Company B found out that they were losing in sales and could not help but wonder what they did wrong?
Advertising is a cut-throat industry. It’s no wonder why there were occasions of some crossing the line to simply put their brands and products out in public. With the risk it entails, the strategy can go either ways – if it would end up touching the hearts of many or be deemed controversial, being visibly for only a short time.
Can you remember these 10 advertisements which graced our TVs or billboards?
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1. McDonalds – ‘Dada’
McDonalds is a favorite when it comes to touching, witty, and memorable print and TV advertisements.
But once in 2002, they faced the wrath of then Senators Juan Flavier and Manny Villar.
The scenario of a father bribing his daughter with fries to make sure he will be more favored than his wife didn’t sit well with a lot of people. They believed that the commercial promoted dishonesty among children.
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2. Napoleon Quince – ‘Nakatikim Ka Na Ba Ng Kinse Anyos?’
A catchy pun is sometimes the key to a memorable line but it didn’t work out so well for this company. Their name quince, which translates to ‘fifteen,’ could’ve been a good pun but they used it as an innuendo instead which earned them lawsuits.
The Advertising Board of the Philippines obviously did not find it funny as they demanded for the billboards to be removed.

3. Bayantel – ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed’
Being PLDT’s rival company must be hard given the large number of consumers you need to recruit on your side. So, it was no surprise when Bayantel took it up a notch. However, they went overboard by putting a semi naked woman with the expression ‘satisfaction guaranteed.’
You may not remember or even witnessed this ad since the company pulled it out before gaining controversy. The irony? They replaced it with a picture of a kid enjoying an ice cream.

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4. Colt 45 – ‘Vava-Vroom Real Man Promo’
Colt 45’s advertisement was like taken from a rom-com movie. A man was given the chance to land date with actress Cristine Reyes – then they live happily ever after. However, the flaw was that it was set in reality and it’s simply impossible to market a woman in that method without objectifying her.
Asia Brewery Incorporated had to withdraw their commercial after being the center of criticism led by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW).

5. EQ diaper – ‘Lapu-Lapu’
The diaper company’s ad raised a few eyebrows when they portrayed a major event in Philippine history with a major tweak.
Instead of fighting over the country, the reason for the bloodshed in their portrayal depended on which diaper is better. The National Historical Commission didn’t appreciate their humor which may confuse young viewers on what’s real and what’s fiction.
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6. McDonalds – ‘Karen Po’
This touching commercial proved how the food chain restaurant really knows its way to the hearts of its loyal customers.
‘Gina’ and ‘Karen’ became household names when their forgetful grandfather keeps on mistaking who’s in front of him. Thumbs up to McDonalds for reminding everyone to extend their patience when it comes to their grandparents.
7. Tender Juicy Hotdog – ‘Goodbye Carlo’
Tender Juicy found a way to present a cute puppy love story of a chubby girl writing on her diary. As she was set to go on a diet for Carlo, the apple of her eye, she saw the plate filled with hotdog. In the end, the food was just too delicious to give it up. Sorry, Carlo. Foods before boys.
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8. PLDT – ‘Suportahan Taka’
How many times did you hear someone in the neighborhood used this line even though they’re not Ilonggo? That’s how influential this narration was.
The young man was eased when his father, who lives in the province, uttered this line to him after finally confessing that he wanted to shift from Medicine to Fine Arts.
9. Coca-Cola – The Coke Beat
Coca-Cola must have bewitched everyone because when this commercial came out, everyone in school was just practicing how to get the beat right.
A catchy song would be good but with a coordinated hand routine? It’s the perfect jingle. They’ve found the perfect formula because as you read this, you may be reminiscing already how it goes.
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10. Fita – ‘Sports car, yung red!’
The film starred a good Samaritan contemplating whether he should give his last piece of biscuit to a hungry grandmother but he just couldn’t resist! He breaks it in half. It turns out the old woman is a fairy godmother in disguise. The plot twist is that the red sports car he was eyeing was also given to him when he wished for it – in half too.
The Philippine advertisement industry is regulated by the Advertising Board of the Philippines (Adboard), established on 1974. It’s composed of eight national organizations which uphold the mission of producing world class and truthful advertisements. - Kami Media
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