Korean wins vs 28 Pinoys

Korean wins vs 28 Pinoys
How bad ass do you think you are? You'll probably never be as bad ass as this Korean dude.
South Korean national Kyung Tack, 44, fought 28 Pinoys and single handedly beat the living daylights out of them. Kyung Tack, a martial arts specialist currently residing in Nueva Ecija, got into a larger than life scuffle with locals and won while drunk and unarmed. The feat becomes less impressive once you know the allegations.
The 28 Pinoys who tried to maul the drunk Korean reportedly did so because Kyung touched a woman's breasts. The incident happened around 1:20 AM in the wee hours of the night in Pedro Gil Street, Sta. Ana, Manila. One of the 28 Pinoys was the husband of the woman, one named Angelito Banawa. He sustained bruises in the face after brawling with Kyung for inappropriately touching his wife's breasts. Angelito was unlucky, because he unfortunately went up against a martial arts master.
Alcohol does things. In this instance, you have a raging drunk Korean martial arts master who probably will take a while to calm down. During that rage, everything becomes a world of hurt. Angelito's neigbors learned that the hard way.
When the neighbors stepped in, all hell broke loose and the mano-a-mano turned into a Ip Man-like brawl scene. Kyung unbelievably emerged on top, despite being outnumbered.
The brawl ended when police officers were able to calm down the drunken Kyung and ask him to come to Police District 10 for questioning.
Source: KAMI.com.gh