The Punisher's Son: Sebastian Duterte

The Punisher's Son: Sebastian Duterte

Making rounds in social media is a photo of a guy bearing a familiar family name, wearing a lip ring and sporting a lean physique. No, he is not a rock star paid for a gig in a campaign sortie but he may as well pass as one. He is Sebastian Duterte, 28, affectionately nicknamed “Baste”, the 3 child of  presidentiable and Davao city mayor Rodrigo Duterte who is labeled “the Punisher” for his zero tolerance policy against crime.

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The Punisher's Son: Sebastian Duterte

This rugged looking guy exudes an easy-going and chill vibe, but when he assumes the stage to campaign for his father before a raging crowd, he becomes pensive. There is confidence in the way he speaks but more importantly, there is a stamp of authenticity in his delivery, something which is difficult to come by in campaign speeches. If he is not delivering a speech before a crowd, he is entertaining the latter by serenading them with rock songs.



According to, he was the typical student who didn’t do well in class. He was sent by his father to Manila to straighten up. He finished high school in San Beda College where his sister also studied law.

The Punisher's Son: Sebastian Duterte
IN SUPPORT OF THEIR FATHER. The children of presidentiable Rodrigo Duterte shaved their heads back in October 27 to show support for their father’s decision to run for President. (From left) Former Mayor Sara Duterte Carpio, current Vice Mayor Paolo, and 3rd child, Sebastian. Photo credit: Editha Caduaya. Photo accessed from

“My father and I did not get along. He easily got annoyed with me because I was a slowpoke and that was a phase when I used gel for hair spikes. And I also failed some of my subjects. That was when he told me, ‘Sebastian, I am telling you do not f**k with me.’ He sent me to Manila after that”.


When Baste moved back to Davao, he studied at Ateneo de Davao University where he finished his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. reports that in 2012, Baste was admitted into the College of Law of San Beda, Mendiola. The elder Duterte, however, was not amused about this. Baste recounted that his father told him: “Do not be offended by what I will say. I am not saying that you’re not smart, but you cannot survive law school with your style.” Three months after, he realized that his dad was right about law school so he dropped out and instead followed his passion in surfing.



The Punisher's Son: Sebastian Duterte
The son rises to the occasion. Grabbed from


Baste is a family man. He has two kids. His first child is a 5-year-old girl, while his second is a one-year boy. “They have different moms. I have been living for about three years now with the mother of my second child,” he said, adding that he was still saving up for the wedding.

The Punisher's Son: Sebastian Duterte
The Punisher's son. Photo credit: @indaysaraduterte.instagram.









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Holden De La Cruz