DIY manicure easy steps you can do at home during quarantine

DIY manicure easy steps you can do at home during quarantine

Miss going to the salons to get your nails fixed but can’t go out because of the enhanced community quarantine? Not a problem now! There are easy manicure steps you can do at home to have neat and beautiful nails.

KAMI searched for DIY manicure hacks you can try whenever you want from the comfort of your home. It is important to clean and trim your nails regularly to prevent bacteria from thriving.

1. Put some cuticle remover on top of your nails

To easily get rid of your cuticle, you can put a small amount of cuticle remover on your nails. You can buy one on Shopee now if you don’t have one!

2. Push back your cuticle using either a metal or wooden nail scraper

Do not try to cut your cuticle! It might only lead to some infection so you have to be really careful. Instead, just push it back using a metal or wooden scraper. You can also cut or trim your nails based on your preferred length. There is a nail care set available on Lazada now for just P125!

3. To remove excess oil on your nails, use acetone or nail polish remover

Not all people are aware that our nails have oils and sometimes, nail polish does not stay long because of it. So, what you can do is remove the excess oil using acetone or nail polish remover. You can buy one now on Shopee along with the cuticle remover!

4. File your nails and go for just one direction

This step is very important. File your nails to soften edges but only go for one direction or in a circular motion. Going back and forth is a big no because it will just make your nails weak and might break it. Check out the nail file set on Shopee now and enjoy a 35%!

5. Apply base coat

Most people think that the base coat is not necessary. However, this is a common mistake because the base coat actually makes your nail polish stay longer. There is a base coat available on Shopee now for just P66! Hurry, you might miss the 78% discount!

6. Apply nail polish properly

Applying nail polish should not be that hard. Remember, do not use a thick coat of nail polish. A small amount will do. There’s always room for the second coat to make it prettier and neat! Just make sure you wait for the first coat to dry before you apply the second coat. There are various nail polish colors available on Shopee now for just P27 each!

7. Apply topcoat

To further protect your nails and make sure that your nail polish stays longer, you should apply a colorless topcoat. Don’t forget to put some at the edge of your nails so it won’t easily chip off! There is a topcoat available now on Shopee with 38% off!

8. Dry your nails

Lastly, let your nails air-dry. No need to put your hands in ice water to make it dry quickly because it might just remove your nail polish because it was not completely dry.

However, there are 9 manicure mistakes that people commonly do. To avoid any infections and have the best results, you may watch it here:

Enjoy doing your nails during the quarantine period!


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