Zodiac signs in order by month
In astrology, zodiac signs alternate in order, so it is much easier to find which constellation protects a person at birth. Each of the signs differently affects the character and formation of temperament. Zodiac signs in order by month allow you to learn a little about the personality of even a stranger.

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What are the zodiac signs? The zodiac circle consists of 12 signs that are equal in size parts of the heavenly sphere.
The sign depends on what stage of the year the main sun's sun was moving at the time of your birth. Due to the fact that the Sun always repeats the cycle, zodiac signs are defined by months and numbers. Here's how the signs are arranged in order:
Aries (21.03 to 19.04)

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The zodiac sign Aries is one of the strongest. His element is fire. People born at this time are always militant, active, and incredibly entrepreneurial. They can succeed in any area of life because they are naturally curious and like to go all the way. They are often pioneers.
The fiery and assertive, Aries continue to insist on being right, even if they are not sure. They are impatient and resolute. People born under this sign, although selfish, always speak sincerely, honestly. Aries cannot tolerate loneliness and they are always surrounded by friends.
Aries, whose dates fall at the end of March and the beginning of April, are selfless in love, but demand a similar commitment and self-sacrifice.
Taurus (20.04-20.05)

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Everyone born under the sign of Taurus is very calm, pedantic and reasonable since childhood. They do not tolerate quarrels and disputes, they try to avoid any scandals. They act so cautiously that sometimes it degenerates into procrastination. Their element is the Earth.
Taurus always achieve excellent results because they used to work at full capacity. They work hard and do not tolerate superficial attitude to work, so they often have good careers. In private life, they are often happy.
The people of this sign are very sensual, adore art and everything beautiful. They often become fashion designers, aesthetes, and musicians. And the practicality of the sign means that its owners can always afford the necessary things: Tauruses are not spenders and manage money sparingly. They value comfort and the benefits of life.
Twins (21.05-20.06)

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Twins are a sign of the zodiac, which refers to the element of air. Hence the carelessness, some frivolity, artistry, and erudition. They are easy to learn, hate being bored, and are always the center of attention. They are extremely diverse individuals, pleasant in communication and friendly.
But it is worth bearing in mind that the sign Gemini is ambivalent, so their mood changes instantly. A smiling, friendly comedian can quickly turn into a witty, nasty interlocutor.
The sign obliges the Twins to choose professions related to communication. Exuberant, they can work in a school with the children, or shine on the theatre stage.
Cancer (21.06-22.07)

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Romantics by nature, Cancers are very impressive. They care about the beautiful picture, even if it is painted by an irrepressible fantasy. They are creative, peaceful people, cautious in nature. They are the most caring of the entire zodiac circle, so they are great teachers and doctors.
Cancers are cooks from God, they are perfectly good at farming, and they love to mess around in their gardens. They are gifted with a rich imagination and know how to create an atmosphere of coziness. They love to accumulate, so there are a lot of collectors among Cancers.
This sign refers to the elements of water. But the water is calm, so Cancers understand children best and easily get along with them. Cancers love with selflessness, ready to stand behind their partner and cover him/her themselves.
Leo (23.07-22.08)

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The sign of the Leo zodiac is very complex because these people are both selfish and generous. They are imperial in their kindness to those who are around them but always emphasize superiority.
They like flattery and admiration, which allows them to show confidence. And they take any criticism aggressively, even with anger. As well, they are shamelessly condemning other people out loud.
Lions are cheerful, honest, always fashionably dressed, and love bright and expensive things that set them apart from the crowd. They regularly visit a masseuse, beautician, and hairdresser, and pay close attention to health.
Love is central to any Leo's life. If they are not in love, they are unhappy. They need it for pleasure, and in some ways, it is the meaning of everything.

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Virgo is the symbol of able-bodied, strong individuals who love order in everything. They are dedicated to their work, they are doing precisely their jobs. They have analytical minds and golden hands and are more likely to choose a working profession.
People born under this sign are extremely attentive to details, always remember all dates and events. They don't like to stand out from the crowd.
Virgo loves to criticize others because they put too much pressure on themselves. As they get older, they become optimistic, learn to turn a blind eye to shortcomings. In love, passionate and fervent, they often fall in love once and forever.
Libra (23.09-22.10)

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Like other signs of the air, they are incredible diplomats. They are charming and easy to compromise because they don't like to find out about relationships and quarrels. They are great friends, interesting interlocutors, and responsible employees.
They are somewhat slow and carefully plan their actions. They are excellent businessmen, leaders. People born under this sign like to live in harmony and beauty. They are always well-groomed, striving to look stylish and fashionable. Libra loves surprises and presentations. And they like to receive them and arrange them themselves.
Love for Libra is a special feeling. They are very loyal, but once they fail on the love front, they are often left lonely.
Scorpio (23.10-21.11)

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Resolute, strong-willed and energetic scorpions are among the most mysterious and mysterious signs. Although their element is water, their passion is boundless. If you like your job, you will work hard, if you have love, then deep down you will. They are open and honest, but they can be harsh and categorical. They are both loved and loathed.
Scorpios care about substance, truth, and result. And they go to this any way they can. They are very sensitive individuals, wounded and emotional. But not everyone is convinced. If they are offended, revenge will be terrible.
People with this mark are excellent psychologists, and deception feels intuitive. Their appeal does not go unnoticed: Scorpions cannot be treated neutrally. And they enjoy it.
Sagittarius (22 .11-21.12)

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Sagittarius, whose date falls at the end of November and the beginning of December, is always free and independent. They are enthusiasts and idealists who are not interested in circumstances. They are irresponsible.
Sagittarius most of all love to travel, communicate, and enrich the world view. They hate intrigue and lies, and they are honest and straightforward. People of this sign are willing to learn all their lives and teach others. Friends love Sagittariuses for their directness, high moral principles, and ease of communication.
In love, Sagittariuses are fickle and easily carried away.
Capricorn (22.12-19.01)

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Hard-working Capricorns set specific goals from a young age and always achieve them. They don't like to rush, prefer to work on the result slowly, thinking through every move.
Everything is always planned. Because of their pedantic nature, these people sometimes seem cold, insensitive, and uninteresting. But they genuinely love people, value family and adore tinkering with children. They are not verbose but they will always come to the rescue.
Capricorn whose date falls in December or January is a rather low-key sign. But with age, his coolness melts and they become warm and cheerful.
Aquarius (20.01-18.02)

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The first thing that distinguishes Aquarius from other signs is their originality. They like to do things out of the box, so they are unpredictable. Independent intellectuals are born under this sign. They are interested in science, loving to learn.
Aquarius, whose element is air, can completely disengage from emotions, put aside their own opinion so that it can make an impartial assessment. They always have their views and understanding, but they will not argue or prove the case. They cannot stand being instructed, they are commanded. People born under this sign like to surprise people. In love, they are vulnerable.
Pisces (19.02-20.03)

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Pisces is a sign of the zodiac, under which dreamers and adventurers are born. These people are compassionate, very sensitive, and can easily fall into melancholy. But no one is comparable Pisces when inspiration comes to them. They love art, read a lot and watch movies. They often actively participate in charity events and work as volunteers.
Pisces character is fairly variable. The hardest part for them is keeping their own boundaries, so they are considered flexible. Pisces in love are committed partners are infidels.
Now you know all the signs of the zodiac and their characteristics. But remember that people born on the borderline of two characters can have the qualities of both.
Source: KAMI.com.gh