5 X-Men characters that remind us of the Presidential candidates
To celebrate the release of “X-Men: Apocalypse,” let us have a look at some of the X-Men characters that mirror the personalities of the candidates of the recent presidential elections: Rodrigo Duterte, Manuel “Mar” Roxas II, Grace Poe, Jejomar Binay and Miriam Santiago.
Which mutant does each presidential candidate remind us of the most?
1. Rodrigo Duterte is Wolverine / Logan

Rodrigo Duterte won the presidential election by a very large margin. So what made him so popular for the majority of the Filipino people?
Many Filipinos love his integrity, intensity, frankness and unpredictability. Even his negative traits such as being foul-mouthed, headstrong, crude, and unkempt and his propensity to threaten criminals with death are appreciated by many Filipinos.
Sounds familiar? Many superhero fans love Wolverine’s wild, aggressive and devil-may-care attitude. Wolverine has also no qualms about killing and executing the evil with his fearsome adamantium claws.
2. Mar Roxas is Cyclops / Scott Summers

Mar Roxas is a smart, eloquent, capable and hardworking politician, with plenty of experience and training in the field of politics. But why is he not as popular as Duterte? The same reason why Cyclops is not as popular as Wolverine: he lacks charisma.
Despite being the leader of the X-Men in the comics and in the movies, the nice, good-natured and responsible Scott Summers could never be as beloved as the hardcore and edgy Wolverine.
3. Grace Poe is Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff

Scarlet Witch is the daughter of Magneto and she lived in her father’s shadow for many years. One of the reasons why the character became popular among comic book fans is her familial ties to the iconic and legendary mutant.
Would Grace Poe be as famous as she is now without being the daughter of Fernando Poe Jr.? Probably not. But like Scarlet Witch, Grace Poe is starting to get out of her father’s shadow to make a name for herself.
4. Jejomar Binay is Phoenix / Jean Grey

We know what you are thinking. Because he proclaims that he is "pandak and nognog", he best reminds us of Nightcrawler. Maybe. But our pick is Jean Grey.

What in the world makes Jejomar Binay and Jean Grey similar?
Jean Grey started out as a hero with a great record and plenty of experience. She was beloved by many for being good at what she does.
However, it was revealed that the Phoenix force is within Jean Grey. The Phoenix force corrupted Jean and turned her evil.
Jejomar Binay also started out as a hero of the masses with plenty of experience and a good record as the Makati City Mayor for many years. But when accusations of corruption arose during his time as the Vice President of the Philippines, Binay quickly lost popularity among the masses and lost badly in the recent election.
5. Miriam Santiago is Deadpool / Wade Wilson

Miriam Santiago has always been known as one of the most intelligent and capable politicians the Philippines ever had. However, the Filipino people found out in recent years that Santiago is also the country’s funniest politician in history.
Her constant jokes, gimmicks, witty remarks and sarcasm are beloved by many Filipinos. Her defiance and inner strength while fighting cancer were also hailed by her supporters.
Deadpool reminds us of Miriam because he is considered as the funniest character in the Marvel and X-Men universe. Aside from having a great sense of humor, both Deadpool and Miriam battled cancer bravely and won.
“X-Men: Apocalypse,” which stars James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac and Michael Fassbender, is now showing in the Philippines, nationwide.
Source: KAMI.com.gh